How to Write Your Law School Resume Lesson


Get an advantage over your competitors! The How to Write Your Law School Resume video lesson is your step-by-step guide for creating a standout resume that will help you make your best impression on the admissions committee.



How To Write Your Resume Introduction from Dr. Michelle Hubbard on Vimeo.

How to Write Your Law School Resume Lesson

Did you know that the resume you submit for law school is different from a resume for employment? Both have similarities but, the intent is different. The goal of an employment resume is to get the job. Whereas a law school resume focuses on getting an acceptance letter. And this distinction makes a difference in the information you present and how you present it.

Let Dr. Michelle Hubbard help you build your Law School Application Resume with her lesson video. Watch the introduction video above to understand other differences between each resume and what it will take to craft your standout resume!

What will you learn from the Law School Resume video lesson?

  • Employment Resume versus Law School Resume
  • How to structure your Law School Resume
  • What information to put in each section of the Law School Resume

Get an advantage over your competitors! The How to Write Your Law School Resume video lesson is your step-by-step guide for creating a standout resume that will help you make your best impression on the admissions committee.

Best of all you can return to it as often as you need whenever you need. Let this video be your admissions consultant for writing your Law School Resume.

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